Welcome to The Green Gourmet Chicago
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How Does Your Service Work?

The Green Gourmet Chicago is a meal delivery service that creates meal plans 7 days a week and we deliver to your door before 5 a.m., fresh, never frozen meals and snacks. You have an option for 5 or 7 day delivery and how long you wish to receive meals up to 28 days per program. Our menu never repeats in a 28 day program. Once you sign up, provide us details about you that our health consultant will use to determine allergies, food dislikes and portion size, our health consultant will contact you and go over the information you provided and select with you a start date. On your chosen start date a soft-sided cooler will arrive with your meal plan along with the day's menu and warming instructions. At the end of the night, before turning in for the evening we ask that you place the cooler with ice packs where we delivered it the previous evening.

Can I Postpone a Day or a Weekend?
Postponing a meal is never a problem, whether you need one day or a weekend delivery stopped, we only ask that you e-mail us at info@thegreengourmetchicago.com at least 48 hours in advance.

What is Your Cancellation Policy?
You may cancel at any time by simply e-mailing us at info@thegreengourmetchicago.com After you cancel and the program stops, you will receive a refund for the unused portion of the program.

The days used will be charged at the rate of the program completed. For instance, if you sign up for 28 days at $42.95 per day and terminate your program after 8 days, you will be charged 8 days at the 7 day rate $48.95 per day. The balance will be credited back to your credit card.

What payment options do you accept?
We accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and PayPal.

Do you have recurring billing?
At this time, we do not. Our IT staff is working on providing this option on our site to be available 1st Quarter 2013.

Can I have delivery on the days I choose?
Yes, with one exception. The exception is if you purchased a "Daily Deal" offering, i.e. Groupon, Living Social, Daily Candy or Gilt City.